X-Plane 11 – LUXURY PRIVATE JET! (Gulfstream IV) Flight Simulator Houston, TX to Palm Beach, FL
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Hey guys! I usually live stream X-Plane flights but since it has the tendency to act up and glitch, I figured it would be easier to just record this one. Since I always fly commercial/"heavy metal" airliners, I figured it would be fun to fly a private jet. I immediately noticed how much easier and less cumbersome it is to fly, and it is a lot more fun. This is a Gulfstream IV (I think) for X-Plane 11. I fly from Houston to Palm Beach. Enjoy!
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The landing gear would have been broken had this been real aircraft 😛
Anyway, a nice vid.
It’s a nice looking plane. Which model is it? Freeware or payware? I’m looking for a Gulfstream IV and I really like the look of this one.
Is that a graphics mod you have there or full graphics? Would like to know because I have been looking for some good graphic mods. Thanks! 😀
Its a sim and a game lol Real pilots in training use this simulator to practice
Definitely plays it like a game
Should do a flight from KMIA to MBPV
This plane is way below of minimum required quality
wow just wow that landing made me want to listen to nickleback, he was sooooo high on the app and i dont think he used an ILS but i could be wrong, another thing is that he droped his gear so early and he complty over flew the thresh-hold marking and probly having a laning rate of -500 or so more that half way down the runway and it was dark so u need to sart the flight earlyer so an biguiner pilot like u can see the runway
It’s easier to say what he didn’t do wrong in this video. We can see how he doesn’t understand a lot about planes and aviation in general
Boy isn’t even staying on the taxi lines XD *doesn’t pause to check if any other planes are taxi-ing*
I can’t even watch this because I didn’t care much for the plane. The comments from this video alone are worth watching! Hahaha
Gears: I’m a joke to you?
how did u get the lights on the airport to look so real
He bought scenery I think
That’s just X-Plane for ya’…
nice jet
Private jet——spawns at a gate
Another banger from the best channel on YouTube
Fly a private jet from Houston to Chicago
Turn to the HEADING!!!!!! The ATC even said are you with me? Also please understand aviation basics and words! He is the Air traffic control you have to obey him!
+AlphaWhiskeySix on your GTA 5 videos, how do the big shootouts happen?
You’re absolutely correct, it’s definitely is a game to you ???