The Coolest Private Jet Paint Job Ever?
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Cessna 510 Citation Mustang N662BM taxiing at the Ft. Lauderdale Executive Airport before departure. This is literally the coolest looking business jet I have ever seen. The aircraft is owned by the co-founder of a Texas real estate company. The red and black paint scheme most likely represents the colors of Texas Tech University, the college that the owner of the aircraft attended.
Cool is not the opportune descriptor. On the ground, in the hot FLL sun or Texas heat the cabin will be 20 to 30 degrees hotter than an aircraft that is painted white. The factory installed vapor cycle air conditioning system will barely be able to keep the aircraft interior cool. NOT COOL! Also, talk to any aircraft broker. “Cool” paint jobs on corporate jets DECREASE the market resale value by 10 to 15 percent. Usually the clown that gets this kind of paint job did it to placate his clueless wife or g/f. Sometimes, however, the owner actually made the decision himself. “There’s no accounting for good taste”
heck yeah, i could only imagine how expensive!
Sure did, I was interested in this one. Thanks for watching!
Me too! I’ll just send santa a letter. Flying the warrior, yes.
Absolutely, thanks for watching.
Thanks for watching!
i cant appreciate this, i like gold better on jets. i always made them gold
Me too.
i want that plane 😀
Yeah there’s a lot of corporate jet and truboprop activity, even a B737-700 is based there.
Looks Like You Did Some Research;) Great Paint Scheme Though
I like that, thanks Trumpeter!
I want one. lol. Flying the 172 again?
I’ll call it the devil mustang. lol. good catch.
That must cost a ton lol
Very cool 🙂
Hey I don’t know if you will see this but I’m looking for a good setup for fsx can you please do a video of your setup?
that’s certainly a serious candidate for that type aircraft.