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Texas woman flew on private jet to Washington, DC, to ‘storm the Capitol’ | New York Post

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A real estate broker from Frisco, Texas, flew on a private jet to Washington, DC, along with friends to “storm the Capitol” on Wednesday.

Jenna Ryan, who is also a radio host, flew from US Trinity Aviation in Denton, Texas, all they way to the nation’s Capitol — where she had “one of the best days of my life.”

“Hopping on a plane heading to DC march to save America stop the steal,” she wrote in the caption of a photo on the tarmac.


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    1. Horizontal Hormones

      @Vicki Richardville I’ve never participated in a “mostly peaceful protest.” However, I’m grateful for the patriots who could attend to represent my voice. The goal of our protest was to bear witness to the legal disenfranchised Americans which dwarfed your SJW mobs. I have zero respect for lying cheating stealing hypocrites! Or people who think they are achieving equality by reinventing the constitution the swore to honor and protect. I’ve always been Republican, but didn’t vote for either candidate in 2016. 80 +- million people lived 2020 and wouldn’t give y’all the keys to the castle if our lives depended on it! You fools just keep digging a deep hole for yourselves. Spoiler alert: You aren’t the majority. Killery wiped her server and didn’t elected the first female president either.

    1. Let’s Talk

      @John Dough John I apologize I watched a video and listened to Alex. It was crazy and loud but it’s clear he was not provoking the crowd. I remained in the back near the scaffolding after he went out front but I saw ANTIFA Scuffle with the police near the scaffolding after the first pepper ball hit the crowd and that was after I saw Alex on the stage. I deleted my comment about Alex and admit I was wrong.

    1. Wolf Due

      All have to play their roles. Including you and me. You can take what ever the everyone said and blame it on them. Ultimately, everyone is responsible for their action. You shall reap what you sow. don’t let the music intimidate you. It’s there for a reason.

    1. Maggie Norris

      @Stenna Blue Evidence? Anything but the lies Republicans tell you o dupe you and use you? Clue: nobody stole the election. Trump never had as high as 50% approval rating for even one day of his term. Millions o us hate Trump and his MAGAts. He lost the election fair and square. Get over it.

    2. Workout Warrior

      Well I’m glad she posted “WE just stormed the capital” that’s key, can’t retract that comment… cause I’m sure she will try and do that, I didn’t post that someone hacked my account

    3. Stenna Blue

      @Maggie Norris I ONLY voted twice in my life…..2016 and 2020….now there is no more reason to vote as there was no reason to vote (prior) to any years before 2016. By the way….you asked why I dislike the government so much…..because they can NOT be (trusted) and THEY (except for a few) are enemies to America and the American People….they are attacking our rights! I have never seen such a monster as pelosi…she is pure evil!!

    1. Hobostarr180

      Uh huh and she has the nerve to complain about how she’s being stolen from or whatever. Like lady you’re not a victim ur blowing money on a one way flight to a jail cell meanwhile the real victims are the are babies getting evicted because their parents are broke due to Karens like you making this pandemic never go away.

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