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Rich Kid of Instagram – The Private Jet Doesn’t Fly Itself

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Rich Kid of Instagram has £1.7 million car collection
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Jack Watkin, 17, a British Rich Kid of Instagram who has a £1.7 million car collection despite only passing his driving test last month. The 17-year-old from Cheshire, has a Rolls-Royce, two Bentleys, two Mercedes-Benzs, a Range Rover Vogue and a Porsche – all bought for him by his wealthy parents. Jack’s lavish lifestyle does not stop at his staggering car collection. The teenager regularly flies to holiday resorts via his family’s private jet and spends thousands on designer shopping sprees. Jack says the most he’s ever splurged on a single fashion item was GBP500,000 on a Bvlgari watch – which is worth more than most Brits’ houses.

Jack is due to star in new TV series The Majors.

Videographer – Mathew Growcoot
Editor – Keiran Fuller
Producer – Pesala Bandara

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  1. Iamme whoelse

    All these kids acting like they are the ones that are rich. Don’t forget it’s your parents that are rich not you.
    I love Will Smith cause he literally told his children “We, your parents are rich, you’re not”

    1. Andy

      I can ageee to this. Mostly everyone in my school keeps saying I’m rich and etc. I don’t really accept it but say it’s my parents’ money. I even wear the same clothes everyday instead of designers but I still make fun of. :/

    1. Luxe Aux

      2 mins after: mom you’re embarrassing me. What a clueless hypocrite.
      Having to wait for people to serve you hands and feet is hard work.
      He makes me want to go and slap his underbite straight.

  2. xaniah

    “i prefer it because a lot of people can’t buy it”
    “we live life, ya know like the fortunate do”

    those comments literally disgusted me. their parents failed at life and made horrible children.

    1. The Cma

      Mr Watto That’s so true, I don’t like the stereotype of the nouveau riche but it’s basic on facts and he referred himself as Kardashians, clearly he’a trashy. Money don’t buy class! Either lottery or drug dealing ? but that’s why I preferred old money ppl

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