Private Jets Collide at San Antonio Airport…
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In this episode of Biz Jet TV, Fab Poli looks at the recent collision between tow private jets at San Antonio Airport in Texas.
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Good morning, Fab.
It’s morning where am at.
Thanks for responding to my request to shed some light on this crash.
I saw this had happened & was going to cover it anyway but thanks for suggesting. I am here to answer questions and these videos save me stacks of time with clients.
Eyes and mind on task! It is often the minor deviation from standard operating procedures that leads to an incident.
does he txt while driving? !!!!!
No texting while flying /taxiing ! Roger!
does he operate the phone while driving his car?
hi I wonder y a plane went down in the Congo today
would cast some light on dat plz?thanks
hope he don’ apply make when driving…. he needs to go to India learn how drive an elephant….
Yet another crash
One jet on top of another, which means taxi speed was too fast especially when another jet was parked. Imagine him crashing into ATC tower or terminal! Somehow I have always felt that small/medium jets pilots are more careless than bigger aircrafts while alertness level is also much less on private airport or pure biz jet airport compared to regular airport but with private terminal. Changi airport at Singapore is good example of this, good & safe for commercial as well as private aircrafts.
When I learned to fly tail draggers, the instructor told me that the tail dragger waits to catch every pilot and must be flown from the time you pull the chocks until the chocks are reinstalled. I once watched a steerman pilot (who was well experienced) land in a stiff crosswind and upon roll out went into an impressive ground loop which scared the heck out of him (but didn’t damage the airplane). As soon as he could talk he drew a breath and said to me “these taildraggers wait to catch you napping”. It took a few minutes until he could restart the airplane and get his legs to work. It looks to me like the speeds that jet aircraft operate at (including taxi) mean that they are the modern version of the taildragger :). The grim reaper is always close by, waiting for a mistake.
A collision is not the same thing as someone running into someone else!
What about the possibility of a break failure? I had one of my instructors experience a similar incident due to break failure when taxing into parking
@Biz Jet TV quite true, plus the fact that his jet went on top of the other probably suggests he was taxing fast. In my friend’s case it wasnt that extreme and the plane was fixed
If brake failure was the reason he was probably taxiing too fast. I have seen a lot of Biz jets taxi super fast because they are n a hurry and if you do that and have a brake failure, guess what…you could crash into something!
Maybe…but probably not
With all the fuellers, catering, jet starts, a/c, baggage carts/tractors, tugs FMC’s, stairs, belt loaders … It would not surprise me at all, if the stats were to support that the majority of damage/incident reports were whilst the aircraft were on the apron. And likely, …Parked! It was an interesting video. Thanks Poli.
we are going to change intros. Thanks for your feedback.
Can we get rid of the 80s TV game show music during the intro?
@Kellington Link I would suggest trying no music.
Many of his Fans, including myself, enjoy and look forward to the intro’s music. I find it to be happy, appropriate and unique. What else would be short enough, upbeat and optimistic… Baroque? Classical? Jazz? .. Annoying uncopywritten video game-like hipsterish music? They have all been done. His channel is best remaining, consistent and unique. What would you suggest?