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I am getting eye surgery and Mo Vlogs pranked me with a flight. See it for yourselves 🙂
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Funny thing is that Ive never even been on that “cheap” flight
You are a real basterd
Big fan bro ????
Ty mo
Yo-yo what is up guys
Give me a work in Mr sagin
masyaallah,,you life very happy alhamdulillah
OMG you have all the money in the world but still you are so cool and humble. God bless you
@weeb here ???
Yeah please you said it. I cant think of anyone more humble.God bless you
@trookers he actually helped her bud what r u talkin’bout ?
Delwar Hossain Jibon we are Arabs we don’t show our family females
The most down to earth billionaire…….love from India
@Sol Christian Sayre down to earth doesn’t mean not wearing branded clothes or not having outrageous cars an you’re wrong he actually had a super car and his house worth +$100 and Bill is a nerd bruh he’s just not on those things and we respect it ?
I guess ratan tata is
Ever heard of bill gates? Does not even wear branded clothing or outrageous cars
You are the best saygin I love your attitude you are so quite you are amazing
Allah is only one (1) ek
Allah last rasul is Hazrat Mohammad s.a.w
I got no problems with this..except.. time. Hahahaha nice!
1 day I vl meet him not as a common man but as a billionaire in sha allah #dreambig
@Aina 98 I am a billionaire you gold digger
InshaaAllah you will be
In Sha Allah. How are you planning to achieve that goal bro?
Please help me plzz sir money please help ???
Damn Mo did u dirty…. ??
Whenever I hear his name i will be motivated
Saygin’s first reaction was that he was furious and it’s justified. It was his birthday plus the operation. That was sily MO
I have never seen before such a humble Great and Cool guy like you .. May God keep you Always happy and give you More and More sucsess in Life God bless you Man … Love you and Mo Vlog Also
Such a smart and well educated person who has built himself up and most of the ppl here only know him from Mo Vlogs lol
I like saygin more than Mo vlogs
No i know mo vlogs from a german YouTuber
This Little Critic Win-win situation
This Little Critic igkho9
This Little Critic هلو انت عنصري
i like that “7 years ago i use to fly like that”
hey saygin …love watching yo vlogs, waiting to see the next one it’s been long, in fact I watch mvolgs to see u :)..wish to meet or see u some day ..humble billionaire 🙂
“Try to jump out of the water. Be that fish.. that first fish that starts walking Don’t be normal.” by Saygin Yalcin ??
Haha I love how well he took going back to the economy lol its always great to have an awesome sense of humor and be able to laugh stuff like that off
Hello idol! Do you have book? About business.
8:06 what a great blur. Can’t see his face at all. ?