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Flying private planes is the way to go. Private jet charter flight from Boston to Dallas on XOJet.
Huge, mega thanks to Marshall AKA @OGBTC (follow him ) for the epic adventure!
Who the hell sticks their hand in the ice bucket and drops some back in there?? Sam. WTF.
1:35 – Bro, why?
Would have been nice to see you wash your hands before you stuck them in an ice bucket.
This guy doesn’t strike me as someone who knows much stuff about things in general.
lost my sht when he touched the ice
Hope your hands were clean when you grabbed the ice! ?
Leslie Graham they weren’t
Dont take ice when you’re using XOJET.
great video. Especially enjoyed pausing to see how many people commented about you touching the ice.
It looks weird without the winglets, I’m so used to seeing them on the X+
I’m not claustrophobic but this video makes me feel like I am ?
Damn… living that PUBG champ lifestyle ?
Ice contaminated?
20 million dollar plane and not even a nice tv at least lmao
the intro is so fluid ?
British accent incoming!
One of your best videos to date, keep maken em.
Awesome! Thank you for your videos!
It’s a citation TEN….. you know like the Roman numeral X means ten????
This poor guy is tarded
2:46 “but can you do this”
Awesome ????