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Private Jet to Vegas – Ultimate Luxury – Challenger 300

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Quick flight from Van Nuys (Los Angeles regional airport) to Las Vegas on a Bombardier Challenger 300 private jet. You can really feel the performance of the small plane, like riding in a sports car compared to the lumbering buses of public aviation. Quiet, smooth, fast, and the ultimate in convenience. How will I ever fly commercial again? Watch to the end to hear the pilot chide a UAL pilot for taxiing too slowly.
Apologies for the shaky video – I was using a brand new Sony RX100iv camera and wasn't aware that in 4k mode it would give me such terrible rolling shutter. Lesson learned. Guess I'll have to book another private jet flight to take a better video!

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  1. otbway

    Yah I was wondering about these? How was the turbulence in a private plane? I figured it would be more since it’s a smaller plane… And it looks like the landings are rough too… Maybe the real luxury is having your own Boeing modify like an 850 sq Ft apparent and u would feel the turbulence less…

    1. blewyd

      OMG this commend made me cringe so much. These are the dumbest questions and the hard landing has nothing to do with the plane…. And turbulence has nothing to do with the plane. There’s really minimal turbulence difference. unless you’re in a really small plane like light jetPiper or Cessna.

    1. Dan Grogg

      @Jonathan Stewart Honestly as an enthusiast photographer myself, video is 100 times harder to do well. There might be a different amount of rolling shutter between recording in 1080p and 4k, not sure about the rx100 but some have less on one or the other.

    2. Jonathan Stewart

      +Dan The Doge Thanks. I’ll get crap until the end of time for this lousy image quality. It’s embarrassing, since I’m a professional photographer, but I was using a brand new camera and didn’t think it would give me such terrible rolling shutter.

    1. jason mcmillan

      Fuel cost money- sitting there with engines running cost money- the UAL pilot is probably lost and doesn’t know where he/she is going.

      And any pilot who is sitting behind another plane that is idling on the taxiway is going to WTF the plane in front.

  2. cageordie

    KVNY-KLAS is only a short flight, 275-325 statute miles takeoff to landing depending on routing. You only climb to 21-27 thousand feet, so you were still down in the weather. By climbing higher you’d just have to spend a long time coming down again and losing the energy. If you climbed to the service ceiling of 45,000 feet, which you could easily do with light load for a short trip, you’d need nearly half the distance to get down again. So you’d expend a lot of fuel for nothing, because you don’t have the cruise phase at high efficiency to make up for the fuel burned climbing. At high altitude you burn half the fuel per mile (very very very roughly). If you flew to Chicago or Miami from Van Nuys you’d climb to over 40,000 feet and have a smooth ride.

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