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Keep your cards organized: Filmed on this: Click "SHOW MORE" for full list of camera gear.
Trying Buzzfeed KBBQ + Secret Hollywood Sign Access (LA Trip part 1):
U.S. Credit Card Guide:
Music by Joakim Karud
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That’s awesome ?
What is the name of your other channel? You said it so fast. Great videos.
You don’t need the question mark in the title, because you actually did it! Only someone who didn’t actually do it, would use the question mark to get away with clickbait. Awesome video.
Ah he changed it to a “!” mark since I wrote that
Shifu you have an awesome channel as well. Follow you both. Click bait hmm i would click what ever either one of you will post always helpful. But the competition is there i guess lol
Did you say a million points!?!
your not to far off calling it a jet. It is a jet engine turned backwards with a prop on it. by definition a turbo jet and turboprop are both turbine engines that use jetfuel.
1st Comment!
welcome to LA! 🙂
I played Mario Kart 8D and Thumper on my Emirates flight a few weeks ago… I’m disappointed you guys did not do the same here!
WOW Looks fun! I still haven’t redeemed my 3 months of Jetsmart yet and we’re planning to go L.A in July. I really hate redeeming it because I don’t want to waste it. I know it’s a cool experience.
Great video, I’ve really come to enjoy your personality, you seem like a great guy, and you’re obviously quite intelligent. So seeing your travels, would be like hanging out with a good buddy, keep them up
Great vicarious experience, thanks for sharing!
Love your channel. Been binge watching it since I recently discovered it. Really good content.
thank you for sharing this.
Nice! Would you consider doing a review of the IHG Points + Cash “points purchase” going on and in what situations they may be worth purchasing?
Aejaz Ul Haq I
well done Sebby!
Wow, you’re really stepping up you video content. Great video
Thanks guys that was awesome:)
Damn I was trying to see what dose the us credit card founder looks like. Dose he asked you to mask him?
He didn’t ask but I did it out of respect (since he masked himself on his blog post about this). Basically just another asian guy with glasses 🙂
so cool!!
A million points each? Chase UR points or what?
A million points across all different CC providers. Already redeemed points counted as well. Basically if you had earned a million points in total in your life you got this free ride. Super generous offer.
3:03 PIBB AND DR PEPPER?! Worlds colide…
I’ll try Pibb next time 🙂