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Inside Qatar Airways’ $45 Million Private Jet

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"Farnborough International Airshow" presented by Airbus.

On Qatar Airways' newest private jet a flight from New York to London costs $160,000.

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    1. CROWN John

      @Ilsunny Lo for private jet you dont need to go through tfa and you dont need to wait the plane the plane wait for you, now can you tell me can you do this by using normal commercial plane?

    2. First Name Second Name

      More like $40k per exec if four pr $20k if it’s eight are travelling, and with more direct options, smoother logistic transfers, near enough zero hassle luggage reclaim…. it all starts to make sense

    1. Ruben

      No, this is priced right for its class. Notice the lower range if you want the Flagship 7500 nautical miles at 650mph then​ you need to buy the G650ER which is $70 Million. You only pass $100M when you are talking about 737s that a converted into VVIP jets.

    1. G Rosa

      bestvideos123 you must be the smartest and wealthiest person on the planet since you were capable of extrapolating my worth based on my one comment which was obviously said in jest. Aww, good for you!

    2. Narata

      G Rosa LOL, true! People could spend their money elsewhere instead of wasting money on this!! They’re just showoffs! Arrrgghh!!! Whew… Thanks for letting me vent. I’m jealous, too. If you have enough money for this, good for you, and do whatever you want with it. 🙂

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