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How Biggin Hill Airport Connects Passengers to London and Gets Along with its Neighbors – AINtv

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While airports dedicated to business aviation are generally considered a great boon to private travelers, they don’t always enjoy the best of relations with their neighbors. The threat to close the Los Angeles-area Santa Monica Airport is a prime example of this dilemma, but it doesn’t have to be this way, as we found while visiting london.

Biggin Hill Airport enjoys a prime location, within easy reach the heart of the U.K. capital, and offers six-minute helicopter shuttle transfers into the city. It competes with other London area airports, including Farnborough, Luton, London City, Stansted, Gatwick and Heathrow.

The airport needed the support of the local community in what is a densely populated London suburb to get permission to extend hours, and it doesn’t take that for granted. The prospect of creating more local jobs was a big factor, and that in part came from the opening of new aircraft maintenance facilities, including Bombardier’s new European service center.

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Music: Cooperation Road by Unicorn Heads

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  1. Sylvia Else

    Biggin Hill welcomes the jets, but the one thing they no longer want to be involved in is the training of pilots. I got my PPL there, but if training at Biggin Hill hadn’t been available, my PPL would never have happened – the alternative airfields were too far away from where I lived. OK, I would have been no great loss to aviation, but someone has to pilot those jets, and if training is difficult to obtain, then people are less likely to become jet pilots.

  2. E Ml

    Biggin Hill offers a poor service- there is no way to get to London apart from via helicopter or a 1.5 hour drive. They have an abysmal relationship with neighbours and provide relatively no jobs in comparison to the tens of thousands of homes polluted and disturbed by

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