Everything We Know About The Private Planes Of World Leaders
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The world’s most powerful heads of state travel in style. From the United Kingdom's $250 million Airbus A330 to Russia's fleet of 132 aircraft, these planes are meant to keep the world's top leaders safe. Here’s what we know about ten of the most impressive presidential planes and fleets.
Why Air Travel Is So Cheap
How Emirates Makes 225,000 In-Flight Meals A Day
What It Takes To Be A First Class Flight Attendant For Emirates
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Everything We Know About The Private Planes Of World Leaders
who else is watching this to procrastinate on their school wrk
Well I finished
math test in less than 9 hours
im watching this during english and its epic
totally not me 🙂
**Greta Thunberg has left the chat**
@Holy Guacamole fake girl
Booo her
you know what goes with air force one
*union pacific heritage unit 4141*
She thinks she’s MLK.
F that sht I’m out
I’m shocked the Chinese premier just flies on a regular plane
Xi often travels on bullet proof minibus rather than limos during his domestic trips. The minibus look just like the rest of the ones operated by lower government leadership, let’s say a Chinese province level. I live next to the first presidential debate place, and astonished by Trump’s colossal motorcade, and of course snipers everywhere lol.
@Thomas Woo To be honest, is China still hiring? ??
Well Air China like most Chinese companies is state owned, so it’s not like he’s flying a commercial flight. It’s just that all planes are the government’s
@John You get the point. Most of the So-called Private Chinese Companies are state-owned.
yeah there afraid of having spy device in plane made by america,china dont have any plane builders
“Costs 100 million-“
Me: Wow cheap.
Also me: aight imma buy instant noodles for dinner.
Cries quietly in *poor*
I didn’t know there was a country named “CUTTER”.
Its quataar u noobs
@Kalvin John idiots its qatar
She actually said it correctly though
Alexander Boekhorst Yes, Qatar is the richest country in the world, alongside Lichtenstein and Luxembourg.
if you look at the arabic writing if qatar, it’s spelled out cutt-er
4:06 look at my taxes, its beatiful.
@Hasan 58 he must be from qatar then
It’s a gift
Disliked. #1 is peoples democratic republic of korea
Imma gonna report u on youtube…..
1 2 so true, it should be called “the unfair voting republic of korea”
@C and d Tv Kim jong Il was afraid of heights,so trains are always used
What ?
You don’t even fly you go on a train. Jesus if your gonna use Kim for subs atleast be accurate.
The way she pronounces Qatar infuriates me, ITS NOT “CUTTER”
Matt Minnis I can’t say jair right..
As am Arab person I am disappointed
is that your problem
getar in arabic
I don’t understand why people are defending the use of Cutter. I’m not sure if english speakers can pronounce it right but it’s Qa-tar with a hard Q and the a sort of sounds like kaw (like the sound a crow or whatever makes but without the w sound). Also, many say qa-TAR but it’s QA-tar.
“There’s a curtain”… Impressive
You forgot KSA
@StephenB And radar jamming capabilities
I think it’s an invisibility cloak… With sound-proofing.
I can watch Boris Johnson go down the stairs for an hour
Nick OI
He’s so spry and upbeat
Yall be talking how she supposedly mispronounced “Qatar” but yall aren’t talking how she called “Embraer” (pronounced Em-brai-er) as “Embrawer”
Is it just me that heard her pronouncing Qatar wrong
@Mr MEMé American*
@Mel C That’s precisely how you should pronounce it actually
Yeddie no yoda that’s not how you are supposed to say.
that’s how you’re supposed to say it dumbass
She’s pronouncing it like you’re meant to pronounce it in Arabic: very short and quick. Unfortunately, being a native English speaker (I assume), she’s not using a soft “T” like you’re meant to so it just sounds wrong.
I like to travel in style, that’s why I fly Southwest ?
cisa93 ewwwww
meh, more stylish if you fly with Frontier
Air Koryo would like to welcome you to our one-star service!
Ryanair just joined the chat….
You could travel on Spirit Airlines for even more style!
I love the planes that presidents use. Did you know that the Japanese 747 was on sale a small time ago?
kiwii .?
Mr crab: Hello i like money
battlefield fan how in the world is Felix can buy that plane??!!
FelixP Games! Lol buy it
2:22 *The way she said Qatar is just disappointing*
Norway be like: ight, lets just book a business flight on SAS..
And I can’t Even afford to travel in a gotdamn public bus smh ?♂️
Well they can literally afourd to buy the bust company and still have billions left
4:22 You could’ve easily think that that conference room is in a hotel.
Please use correct pictures for the airplanes.
And what is embrauer ?
@can dağlaroğlu ohh, okay
And correct prices. 747 is not cheaper than the A340.
Gamer Notoffical Turkish 747-8i has an outdated picture. The picture present was when the plane was under Qatari fleet
they tried but htere arent many
But the german ones are getting replaced because there to old and unrelaible
gxd000 A German chancellor flying Boeing? No
@TTGG 1 a350
Yes, they are getting a Bombardier Global 6000 !
A330 they are getting
Germany should buy the Mexican 787 then. It’s on sale since last year under the new rule: no luxuries for government if half the population is in poverty.