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The Truth About Flying JSX – Semi Private Jet Experience

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I travelled with JSX from Las Vegas to Dallas last week. JSX is a part 135 charter operator, not an airline. I was able to check-in quickly from their own facility in Las Vegas, in just a few minutes, and there was no invasive TSA security screening. The next moment I was walking onto an Embraer 145 jet on the ramp. The plane was fitted with 1-1 seating configuration, so there is no middle seat, with no seat neighbour to share with.

I spoke to the JSX pilots, crew and a few passengers about their experience onboard. The flight time to Dallas was 2 hours 30 minutes through some scenic views of the Grand Canyon. After I landed in Dallas, the checked baggage was first placed on the tarmac before passengers deplaned. I got my bag within a minute and by the next minute I was in a pre-booked car driving away from the private terminal. The whole experience on JSX was swift, much faster than flying into and out of the crowded airport terminal, with no lines of check-in or screenings to deal with.

The 1-1 seating configuration is currently served on the JSX Texas route only. West Coast routes are served by 1-2 seating configuration.

Lastly, I interviewed the CEO of JSX, Alex Wilcox, on the future expansion plans of JSX and whether more planes will be re-configured to 1-1 seating. Alex also shared with me how he started in aviation, almost 3 decades ago.

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  1. Travel Vlogs

    Always a pleasure watching Sam’s vlog!! Especially during the Covid and lockdown time, when most of us are unable to travel, gives us a feel of travelling by watching Sam’s video 🙂

    1. pushslice

      I am a big JSX fan as well; have not flown them since the start of the pandemic though, I need to get back on one of their planes. (And my furry pooch can’t wait as well, she loves the flights)

  2. Nurse Viv

    I actually flew with them for the first time last Sunday and was thoroughly impressed.. The Phoenix staff was excellent from check in to take off..The check in was so much better and LESS STRESSFUL which is a game changer for me…I didn’t like the Vegas lounge at all it was very unkempt yesterday and I’m not sure how it will be as the temperature goes up in the summer in the southwest… we shall see as I’m booked again next month ? All in all I loved the experience and will travel again via JSX between PHX, Vegas and the Bay Area!

  3. Sir Foldalot

    Thank you for doing this VLOG. It’s great to see how much everyone involved loves their job. I am a huge fan of JSX and have been flying them for many years out of East Bay CA and Oakland, from back when they were known as Jetsuite X. I’m excited by the news of expansion and hope that they are once again able to add more routes out of Concord, though I’ll keep going to Oakland if necessary. Would love to see some of these new 145’s too. Great pricing and superb service every single time. Flying Vegas in a week on them and cannot wait!

  4. Lars

    This was my hidden gem pre-Covid. I fly Phoenix to Vegas often. The best deal was last minute,”hop on”. I would wake up in the morning, book a same day flight for $89.00-$99.00, show up 20 minutes before the flight, and check in. 30 minutes later I would be in Vegas. You get spoiled very quickly and never want to deal with regular airport hassle ever again. There are not as many flights at this time, and prices are up, but hopefully things will resume like they were before the pandemic. Superb flying experience!

  5. The Generational Wealth Guy

    The prices for JSX are actually very reasonable! I was expecting thousands but even if I were to leave by the nearest Friday it’s only around $1.5k. Considering that this is a semi-private jet you can’t beat that price. Are there any other services you can recommend? They seem limited to specific destinations at the moment.

  6. sirBrouwer

    I wonder if the JSX concept would work here with in the EU zone. It could fill a niche marked in between the budget liners and the main line flights.
    Plus with the Idea that they can land on more regional airports that could really work well.
    especially on the middle long parts with in the EU. (shorter travel can be covered by high speed rail)

  7. SirGetClapped

    Hey Sam chui! I appreciate everything your doing in this channel in order to let us get entertained with you! Even Coronavirus Couldn’t stop you from uploading! Anyways thanks❤️❤️


    Thank you for making this video sam! Ive been wanting to fly with this airline for a while now and wondered how it was. I also had no idea the flew to dallas which is perfect for me!

    1. AP

      I bought a Cirrus Vision Jet during the pandemic so my family and I could vacation and visit family without all the hassles. I highly recommend. It’s more convenient than flying charter and works according to your schedule. Cheers!

      Edit: I should say that I usually fly weekly from my home in Utah to my vacation home in Jackson Hole, so this is the perfect for the commute.

    2. sharad shelar

      Hey Sam,
      Space travel now a days is a very hot topic for everyone despite of being ultra expensive. Here is an ultra low cost idea which can give ‘near real’ experience of space ride ( earth, moon ,mars) to common people as little as $50 or even cheaper.. #spaceTravelForEveryone. Same concept can be used for creating virtual flying experience in luxury private jet with most scenic ‘out of window’ views ( dine and fly in ‘virtually’ flying restaurant )

      See the first 20 seconds of the video (by user Ernest Semerda) which has basic elements of this idea. Imagine doing it a larger – professional scale, can be a great fun and educational exercise for kids and adults alike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_uJ0JehnXk&ab_channel=ErnestSemerda

      IDEA – a better “near real” space flight simulator experience which will not only show views of earth from the stratosphere but also views of low orbit fly-by, touchdown on moon, mars and other space wonders.

      You can make a real size replica of a non flying space capsule – starliner, keep it on a mount inside a big elliptical shaped room whose walls and floors are made up with ultra HD infinity super wide screens. It can then mimic “out of window” three dimensional breathtaking views of space in the same way space travelers view it from inside the spacecraft window. e.g. space horizon, close up of earth, moon, mars, comets etc. ( FROM REAL RECORDINGS OR artist’s impression ) With mechanical movements of the craft, pre-recorded scenes and sounds you can recreate the same experience one gets in space i.e. the launch – in flight and touchdown (barring zero gravity) Will work like current flight simulators but on a much larger scale and will be more realistic. So within 60 minutes you can experience lift off, low orbit fly by and touchdown on the surface of earth, moon, mars and other planets in just a few hundred dollars or even less and it will be a ‘near real’ experience.. you sit in the same movable craft astronauts sit and see the same views they see

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