Top 3 Most Popular Private Jets
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In the market for a new business plane? Look no further, here's 3 of the most popular private jets on the market!
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Top 3 Most Popular Private Jets
Thought the G650 would be among the top most popular luxury business jets.
Number One Number Two and Number 3 are all Gulfstream Jets (650, 550, 280) absolutely with the upcoming Gulfstream G700 series to round out the top four.
The G280 will beyond any doubt become the sales leader for this entire booming Industry as
A: it has been around the longest in the Gulfstream stable and has an excellent reliability and safety record and
B: is easily the most advanced “entry level” private jet on Earth as the G700 program starts pollinating dramatic advancements to this hardly dull “sport jet.”
More to the point with fuel costs soaring globally “the Players” i think will be looking to downsize without having to compromise and the G280 fits that bill perfectly and indeed sales have started out very strong this Year 2021 as the Covid-19 ahem “pandemic”(scamdemic?) ahem winds down.
I do enjoy your breakdown of the various topics you touch on. Good information, clear & comprehensive presentation. You make the luxury life look cool & normal & inviting, not inaccessible. Keep it real, & keep it fun. ? Thank you.
The Bombardier Global 7500 is #1 all day long. I mean, you can hardly beat 7,700 NM & Mach 0.925! That’s outstanding!
These jets are cool but don’t really fulfill my mission. I’m happy with the Pilatus pc-12. It is rated to be flown with a single pilot and that allows me to fly it without having to deal with pilots and scheduling. The hourly cost is much lower on the pc-12 due to being a single engine turboprop. The pc-12 can also land on grass strips which allows me to land at my buddy’s ranch in Texas. I can carry my entire family on the pc-12 with 9 seats. If I need to fly further than the range of the pc-12 I can simply make a fuel stop. A jet would be more limited than the pc-12 in where it can land and much more costly. Watching the budget and making sure you don’t over spend ensures long-term financial security.
Finally…some one who takes you though these amazing planes with a snazzy funny style…and let you experience the show.10 out of 10?????
Play Station is amazing, no doubt; I just so happen to prefer the X-Box package myself, but much love & respect to both for their revolutionary contribution to gaming culture; & good on M-Lux for being a part of the gaming community!
We specialize in connecting private flyers with the best aircraft option without compromising on safety. Air Charter, Aircraft Sales and Acquisitions and Part 91/135 Management. Phenomenal Video!
Great video! Very inspiring. I would have to go with one of the bombardier’s if I had the money to buy one AND be able to afford to keep it.
@Mr Luxury yes Mr Luxury any clues??
The Bombardier 6000, 7500, and Dassault Falcon 7X are giving good competition to the popular Gulfstream G5. I like the Bombardier 6000 and 7500 long range. I like to travel from Miami to London without stopping.
Thank you for sharing these great aircraft. Happy Holidays to you and your families.
With the comparison I’d go for the Global 7500.
Thank you!
Been offered one of them by my friend. I took the hangar & service cost into consideration.
as a Canadian I weep – what does Bombardier even do anymore!? it sold the rail business, and the jet business now too
Wow! My favourite is the global 7500 but I also love the lineage 1000e
I love the Bombardier 7500…that’s my plane…glorious!
Smashing Video! ?? Love your content!! ?
I would buy the Global 7500 because it look gorgeous.
Your channel is so damn cool! I love setting my goals high!
If I have to choose which one of these planes to Buy I’d say the Bombardier Global 7500 because that plane is the one I can relax in
You may have to revisit this video when the Gulfstream G700 becomes more popular. But what about the G650 ER? It should be in that same class as the Bombardier Global 6000 and 7500.
Yea tbh the global 7500 isn’t even close to how popular the g650er is. But I like the global 7500 more than the g650 none the less.