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Hello my Aviator,
welcome on board on board of my YouTube channel PilotPatrick. Are you ready for depature in a private jet? In this Vlog I take you to the EBACE, a business aviation exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland. I will give you an insight view of the most exclusive branch of aviation and I will take you on board of luxury private jets. For me it was also a great flashback to my time as a private jet pilot. I used to fly the Citiation XLS+ and in this video I will explain how I managed to become a first officer for a priavte jet company.
Would you rather fly first class or have your own small private jet?
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Produced by:
Edited by:
Nils Hilsberg
Tomas Skyldeberg – Rue de l'Abreuvoir
Sunfish Grove – With open eyes i see
Dayon – Weak in the knees
About ME:
Hello Aviator!
I am Patrick from Germany and I am a first officer. After flying a Business Jet, I am now type rated on the A300. Since September 2016 I have been blogging about my pilot life and my healthy lifestyle. Besides many travel tips you will find posts about aviation and my travels around the world.
Safe travels and happy landings!
Your PilotPatrick
The best sentence: Don’t give up there are many ways to achieve your goals! ????
@PilotPatrick CIAOOOOOO Patrick dolce Patrick Amore Amore Amore mio sei ilio cucciolotto sei ilio tuttu sei il mio principe azzerro la mia anima gemella abbiamo molte cose in comune e anche qualcosa di più hai tu da me ti amo tanto ma tanto buona NOTTE da L’ITALIA lunedì notte ore 23,31 di 11 novembre bai bai bai Bai Amore mio ?????????????????????CIAOOOOOO P❤P DA LUCINA CIAOOOOOOO CIAOOOOOO CIAOOOOOO
True thing!
The desing of the honda aircraft is like a dolphin .
Enjoy your life pilot
That’s it, never give up …
This is amazing, I have not seen a private jet yet but have been to Geneva. I don’t think there is one here in Singapore. ?
The interior is very luxurious. I hoped you enjoy your years travelling on a private jet and now on a Airbus 300. Indeed not easy to achieve goals and dreams. I’m working hard towards my dreams and hope to achieve them in the future if I can.
Waiting for your post on IG soon.
Safe travel and happy landings.
Liebe ❤️
What classes should I be taking in high school to become a pilot
I like Patrick’s smile.
I will Guess that the bombardier costed 7 million
Am proud of u sir Patrick,…? I believe on that never give up until ur not succeed ur dreams…. (Be safe and always humble)
YAY leats go my friend. Patrick ?very nice very different ,and modern looking.very funny blog.
Thanks ??
Gujarati’s don’t give up they make their way.
First, Time I see the cockpit is beautiful.
Can be your friend my idol.
Wow, you move on interesting beautiful places
I really like part how you get your job I will graduation from college the next year so I really have concern how get job so this inspiration me .
Follow your dreams ??
Beautiful video ?✈handsome patrick?I like fantastic, smile, creative ?
Thanks ?? ?
Patrick,is this your Patrick smith page that sent friend request to me ?because all of your photos you have on the official pages are there!?
So proud of u ^^ ♡ n now ur Captain as u deserve the best always ^^ ♡ lovely vlog ^^ ♡
Its really very well designed.we know u have been pilot since 8yrs but we were searching for u na and here we r
Great insight don’t give up my dream is to fly for the RFDS in Australia but to achieve the right experience I want to fly for a private jet and charter company.
I’ve always wanted to be a pilot, going to being training next year hopefully. Your videos always boost my motivation to succeed, your uploads never disappoint and always provides motivation, your lifestyle, everything. Keep it up ??
I am glad to hear that! I hope your wish to become a pilot come true!